Tag Archives: decisions

Thrusday, 8 Jan 15

8 Jan

Father God, thank you for today.  Thank you for being with us on our trip and for the beautiful day to drive in.  Thank you for your Spirit, for your love and grace.  Thank you for the opportunities I had throughout this day to include the opportunity to pray and to share this prayer with others.  Thank you, just thank you.

I ask O God that you please continue to be with me as I study.  Open your Scriptures up to me and help me to understand them and to be able to apply them to my life.  I also ask that you help me to understand well enough to help other people to understand your Word.  Guide and direct us all in studying the Scriptures so that we can use them to help us to know you better and to help us in building our relationship with you.

I lift up to you O God my congregation.  They are a small flock, but they do love you and want to serve you.  Help me Father God to lead them.  Help me to be a good pastor and servant.  I pray Father that you will help me to know your vision for my congregation.  Help me to see it, to know it, and to share it with the flock.  Help me O God to be there for them and help meet their needs.  Help me Father to be there and to help them in continuing to build their relationship with you, with each other and to serve the communities in which we live, work and worship.

Creator God, there are so many people on my mind and heart that need your divine touch of healing of body, mind and spirit.  Jerry, Mary, Dave, Paul, Gregor, Carolyn, Andrew, Norm, Bob, and many others with their health issues.  Nancy, Joe, Danielle, Marcus, Raymond, Jessie, with their hard decisions they have to make and with their relationships.  There are so many others Lord that I cannot name them all.  I lift them up to you and ask for your to pour your Spirit upon them and fill them with your love, grace, forgiveness, strength, comfort and healing.

I also ask for your help in planning our upcoming dedication service, retreat, and work day.  Please guide and direct me in planning these events so that they will be helpful to all those that attend.  I pray that these events will be uplifting, encouraging, thought provoking and most importantly centered on you that we might come to know you better.

Thank you again for all things and I ask all things in your Son’s most holy name, Jesus.  Amen.

Monday 5 Jan 15

5 Jan

Creator God, thank you for being with us yesterday and all of our yesterdays and for continuing to be with us today and all of our tomorrows.  Thank you for life.  Thank you for your grace, love and forgiveness.  Thank you for the opportunities that will come to us today.  Help us to recognize these opportunities and to stand up and serve you and your creation.  Help us O Lord to learn more about you today and to open ourselves up more to your Holy Spirit.  Help us to be your hands and feet and to serve the people we come into contact with in our daily walk.

O God, I want to lift up to you the people I have on my heart this morning that need your touch and presence.  Jerry with his upcoming doctor appointments; Mary, Dave, Andrew with the flu; Pete and Bonnie with the loss of their son; Susan, Sonny, Tiffany with their medical issues; Sandra, Joy, Paul and Gregor with their medical issues and those of their spouses.  Please be with the congregational members who have not been coming lately and help us to know what their needs are without being too pushy about it.  Help us as a congregation to become better disciples and servants.  Help us to see what you would have us do this year.

Thank you again O Lord for all things and I ask that you will be with us this day as we go forth to work, school, life so that we may become closer to you and to serve your creation today.  Amen